It is not that hard to create a brand but attaining success is a different ball game. With so many online companies offering same product categories, users immediately seek alternatives if they feel that the brand does not have anything exclusive to offer. The logo of the brand if actually a strong component that decides fate of the brand. Coming up with a logo does not necessarily mean that you would use advanced designing soft wares. A more important thing is having a unique appearance. Brands having an innovative logo easily get high sales volumes because they seem different. Consider the following text based logo.

Interpretation of example

To start with, have a look at the logo example written above. In actual terms, there is nothing advanced or flashy about it. Even then, it would make a strong impact because a unique combination of words has been used. Hence, when some goes through the logo, he would notice it. This is one of the key factors which successful brands focus on. They make simple but highly impressive logos. If you have a glance at the top 500 global companies, all of them have easy to interpret logos. No flashy color combinations or animations are used to create them.

What is the Random Word Generator?

If you are about to use a tool for the first time, be clear about the purpose it is used for. Prepostseo random word generator is used to generate unique combinations. Before we go through the details, let’s run through the procedure of usage.

Select the number of generations

How many random words do you want to be generated? This is something that depends on the user. One user may want 5 random words while the other may require only three. In other words, the number of words produced depend on the input entered by the user.

What kind of random words are you looking for? There are multiple options which users can choose from. If you want all types of words to be generated, you would select “All Words”. Similarly, if you are looking only for nouns, you can make a selection accordingly. When you are done with making these selections, click the “generate” button and you would see random words on your screen. For the purpose of logo designing, you can use a combination.

Looking at a proper example

Consider that you want to get five random words which are only nouns. In the “number of generations” box, enter the number “5”. After that, click the “nouns only “option and then proceed to word generation. You may get the following output. Laborer, hour, relation, beggar, pan.

Making word combinations for logos

All these five words are not related to each other directly. Thus, it would be hard to find them in a combination. For instance, you can use “pan hour” as a brand logo. As it is uncommon, you would see several customers showing interest and getting attracted to the logo text.

A lot of effort is not needed

Is it difficult to generate words without using a tool? The answer to this question is yes. To start with, the effort needed is much more. A lot of brainstorming is needed to come up with unique combinations. If you talk about designing a unique logo, the combination of words used is everything. If it is not unique, it would be hard for the brand to catch customer attention.

Using this tool is an automated way of producing unique word combinations. No intelligence is needed to think about exclusive phrases as the tool would do everything. Logo designers usually have to produce multiple versions of an image and one is finalized for perfect logo placement. This task is challenging and has to be completed in limited time. Thus, it is not feasible to determine combinations manually. The random word generator is a commendable option for logo designing professionals.

Get the most creative and unique word combinations

With this tools, you can end up with the most unique combinations of text phrases. There are no restrictions on the number of times you can use the tool. Hence, several creative combinations can be made by image creators and other related personnel.

Every designer has his own requirements for brand logos. One designer may want only nouns to be used in the logo while the other may be looking for verbs only. With this tool, you can generate words according to individual preferences. If you need combinations with all grammatical forms, select “all types of words”. Similarly, if you are seeking only verbs, select that option. A lot depends on what the user wants.

No usage challenges have to be encountered

Every tool used for creating logos is not easy. Full scaled designing soft wares have complex options and most users find it hard to use them. This tool is a much easier alternative that produces effective word combinations. In other words, if you do not have expert designing skills, you can still create amazing word combinations for your brand logo.

It is not necessary that you can come up with quality logos using complex designing tools only. Text logos get instant attention from potential buyers. People tend to read text because they can develop an understanding to some extent. Viewing an image does not provide any kind of explanation to the user. The random word generator provides the user with easy and unique word combinations. You only have to enter the requirements including number of generations and types of words to be included.


Brands that fail to get the attention of customers do not produce good profits. Buyers get attracted to something that they have not seen before. One related example is the logo. Here, one thing needs to be remembered. Designing a good logo does not mean that it should be necessarily created using a complex designing software. You can come up with creative logos using the random word generation tool. It provides you with unique combinations that can be used to design interactive company images.