After reading the title the first question that may come to your mind is: what exactly is social bookmarking?
Social bookmarking refers to the process of saving bookmarks to a web site or web page and tagging them to social bookmarking sites. These sites are popular and convenient ways to store your favourite sites. You can also share your link with friends and send them to search engines. Other users can also easily find your web site via tags on these social bookmarking sites.
These sites are usually free – you can submit your site and can share your links to the others for free. Normally in these social bookmarking sites you can save your link publicly but you have the option of saving these links privately.
You have to be aware that some sites are NoFollow while others are DoFollow. Of course, it's better if you submit your site to the DoFollow social bookmarking sites. So that your bookmark may be crawled quickly by the major search engine. Submitting to NoFollow social bookmarking sites means not that they don't have any value. However, the NoFollow sites might increase your your site's Yahoo backlink score.
Be Creative
There are millions of web pages on the net and visitors will only click your bookmark if it is interesting to them. So make your bookmarking title more interesting – be creative, so that the user are attracted to your bookmarking title.
Social bookmarking allows you to share your link in a professionally way to the other users. Normally, Social bookmarking is the a place where thousands of user can create their personal account to add their bookmarks. It is ideal if the social bookmarking site allows you to insert keywords so that other users can easily find links related to their specified bookmarks.
Laying down roots
Social bookmarking lays down the roots for establishing and promoting the value of your website, article post or video. Users are also able to vote for a bookmark. So the more votes you get for your bookmark, the more valuable it becomes. Thus, Social bookmarking gives a resource credibility. Most of the social bookmarking networks will also highlight those profiles with the highest votes.s
Once you register with a social bookmarking site you become a part of that community. You and all other members are there for the same thing for which you signed up. It is essential to develop a close relationship and communicate with the other users. is one of the places where you can buy social bookmarking service for only $5. So go over to the site and open a free account. Then buy my Gig?100 manual social bookmarking for $5.