Building backlinks to your pages is an essential part of SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) for two reasons. The first reason is that it helps your pages get indexed faster, which is very important because you want the search engines to find them as soon as possible and crawl them regularly. The second reason is that it helps your pages get higher search engine rankings for the keywords of your choice. The more backlinks you have, the better. Period.
However, building backlinks can be a time-consuming, boring process. You can outsource the process to an agency and pay a lot of money… Or you can do it yourself with SocialMonkee! SM is an instant backlink builder allowing you to build 25 unique backlinks, every day, FREE! All links are on unique C-Class IP addresses and domains. Imagine being able to create 25 unique backlinks every day, with the click of a button, FREE! Well, you can stop imagining…
So, 25 unique backlinks every day… That's a total of 175 backlinks every week, 750 every month. If you upgrade, you will be able to build 100 uniques backlinks, 3 times a day! That's a total of 2,100 backlinks every week, 9,000 every month! The good news is… you can get a Premium Account, FREE! All you need to do is to refer 12 members, and your account will automatically be upgraded. If you're not really into referral marketing, you may upgrade right now for a low one-time fee.
Submitting a page to SocialMonkee via the members area takes under two minutes, but there's an even faster way! They created a Firefox plugin that allows you to submit your page to up to 100 sites in just a few clicks, using nothing else than Firefox! If you have a Premium Account you will also get access to link reports and RSS feeds, which are great to keep track of your backlinks and get them indexed fast. Submitting your RSS feeds to RSS submitters is actually a very important step in link building.
So what are you waiting for? Join SocialMonkee now while it's still free!
Whether you have a business or a product that you want to promote online, or you are a blogger who wants to target a certain type of audience to bring in the visitors to make his blog successful; it is very crucial to understand the type of audiences that one targets using the social media platform. The key term here is ?traffic?. The amount of traffic that you get will help the popularity of your business grow, but what you should really target is a particular demographic (type of users). Random traffic will be as quick to disappear as quickly they appear; knowing your demographic will help your hard work ripe, and help retain potential traffic than simply having visitors who will quickly bounce off.
Types of Audiences
Most of the potential audiences of social media are scattered across various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others preferring to read blogs. According to Forrester Research?s Groundswell team, they have categorized profiles of internet users into groups like spectators, joiners etc. The 3 major audience types, or in other terms target audiences, for simplicity, can be categorized as Passionate, Influencers and Ad-Hoc.
Passionate are people who are dedicated and care deeply about topics that are too specific, too niche to impact the mainstream subjects. But within those specific areas of interest, they are respected, acknowledged, and their opinions are taken seriously, regardless of the size of their audiences. These people are often the original bloggers, who start off blogging on subjects they are close to, care about and are dedicated enough to keep it interesting.
Influencers are group of people who have large pool of followers, across different online demographic. They usually start off as a Passionate, but then they usually evolve into a more mainstream arena, and can even end up as trend-setters. They can even be a part of the modern media, but not all the time.
Ad-Hoc is the casual everyday folks. But they are equally important too, though this group is very hard to make sense of. But by being proactive and patient with as many folks as possible from this group, a brand marketer can gain respect targeting this group, which is eventually noticed by bigger entities. But at the same time, if one only pays attention to a select group that gets noticed too.
To understand and target these three specific types of social media audiences is not easy. To identify this audience in their social media channel is important, and it can be done through many analytic tools available, such as Google Analytics. It can determine the source of your audience by social media channels, which can help you to break down social media traffic from organic or paid search. This will help to further segment the type of audience you get, their source channel, and how they are reaching to you, helping one to successfully manipulate the information to make proper target decisions, and classify audiences that make up the social media what it is today.
About the author: Bethany is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology and luxury. Beside this she is fond of gadgets. Recently an article on Vending machines attracted her attention. She is loves?photography?and dreams of owning a 3D Camera.
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Social media sites are a great way to stay in touch with friends, but celebrities are also discovering how useful they can be for promotional purposes. Jimmy Fallon, host of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and former Saturday Night Live star, was one of the first to recognize the importance of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and has embraced the use of Twitter hashtags to great advantage.
Hashtags came into use on Twitter as a way for those with similar interests to connect with one another. A hashtag is the pound symbol, and it?s placed in front of a specific word in a tweet. They?re searchable and can appear anywhere within the body of the tweet. Hashtags aren?t a feature that?s provided by Twitter, but the usage caught on and they're used regularly for trendy topics. They have no formal rules, but have their own set of etiquette.
Fallon has been using Twitter and hashtags to promote himself and his show with excellent results. Before his show aired, Fallon announced that he was getting started on Twitter, then began using it to promote the show in the hope that his Twitter followers would watch the Jimmy Fallon Show when it went on the air. The strategy worked, and the show received higher ratings than The Late Show with Jay Leno.
He regularly tweets on Twitter and checks comments, using those as a barometer of how sketches, guests and interviews have been received. The best use of hashtags on Twitter is his tweets for upcoming shows. His followers tweet back, using hashtags, about their favorite jokes, which are read on the show. It provides a unique way to interact with his audience and makes him accessible. It's also an excellent tool for increasing viewers and ratings.
Fallon?s used of the latest platforms and technology comes as no surprise. His background is in computing and his father worked at IBM. He was one of the first to have access to Prodigy and learned about chat rooms through a classmate in high school. As the Internet evolved, Fallon?s background made it easy for him to see the possibilities. Viewing blogs about Saturday Night Live in 1998 made him realize just how powerful it could be.
In a digital world where everyone is online, Fallon has found the perfect medium for engaging viewers, interacting with fans and making them feel as if they?re a part of the show ? which in a way, they are. It?s a method that anyone in any industry can employ, and one that he?s using to good advantage to connect with millions of potential viewers.