by Nick Throlson | Mar 15, 2012 | Guest Post
The industry of mobile commerce & smartphone apps ?is finding more and more ways to provide instantaneous service to its followers. Consumers have the ability to purchase anything online upon demand. Producers have had the ability to connect with consumers instantly through developments like QR codes and opt in location-based coupon offers. However, the most recent and exciting advancement is the ability to make money via your smartphone or tablet.
Although the concept is far from mainstream, the ability of the average person to make and save money specifically because of a mobile device is quickly trending into an entirely new economy. People are no longer chained to a desk or a specific geographic location. People can legitimately say that they are doing work while they are on the beach or the golf course.
There are many applications that have created these new and exciting opportunities for the average person. This article will go over a few of them.?
?(Courtesy of Damian Gadal)
Budget 2012
This money-saving application will give you the ability to instantly reorganize your personal budget. It is able to combine all of your bank accounts into an easily organized singlescreen personal budgeting tool.
The application allows you to automatically pay bills every month and combine accounts in complex ways. Many people actually navigate their investments from this application as well.
Groupon Mobile Coupons
The number one name in online coupons has now expanded their repertoire to include mobile devices as well. The reason that the brand became so popular was because they were able to get coupons in the hands of people who wanted them more quickly than any other application. This trend continues with the mobile application.
The mobile application actually outshines the desktop application in some ways. Because it is mobile, it adds location-based services that are quite convenient to the average shopper. For instance, you can opt in to be notified of special offers from a business when you step into a certain radius around that business. You can also combine the application with a mobile version of Twitter. This can bring your personal and business worlds together in a money-saving conglomerate of contacts.
This application has steadily increased in popularity over the past five years, and with good reason. As gas prices go up, GasBuddy tells you exactly how to keep your money in your wallet.
This application uses location-based services and an internal GPS to find the cheapest gas in your radius. No matter where you are, you can always save a few pennies at the pump.
Free App Finder
If you have ever wanted an application but did not want to pay for it, then you need to download Free App Finder. As the application that informs you when other downloadable apps become free, Free App Finder does exactly what it says it does.
This application will actually give you money for watching commercials on your smart phone. Although each commercial does not net you a great deal of money, in the aggregate the pennies can really add up.
If you do not have a lot of free time on your hands, you can also set the application to run automatically. This means that you're generating income whether or not you are looking at your phone.
The one downside to downloading all of these applications is the cost of using them from your carrier. If you are to take full advantage of the new economy that is slowly surfacing within the mobile environment, you must consider how you will keep your costs down.
SIM only phone plans are the way to keep your phone costs down. SIM only phone plans are the closest thing to pay-as-you-go on the market today, which can save you as much as 50% on your phone bill each month.
This is a guest article by Ruben Corbo, a freelance writer for technology, travel, and music production topics. When he?s not writing or making music, he?s enjoying a good post-apocalyptic novel or playing RTS Strategy online game. Ruben?s writing resume includes websites like SIM Only where you can get the best SIM only deals as well as other websites that help you save on your tech purchases.
by Nick Throlson | Mar 8, 2012 | Guest Post
Today, internet has a number of money making website where teens can easily make handsome amount of money by sparing one or two hours on a daily basis. The internet has made these things easy for everyone to make money online trying a number of things.
This was however not possible before the advent of internet. Earlier, you had the same old traditional methods which teens were not able to adopt. Now teens can make money on flexible hours using the platform of internet. Apart from trying those online surveys, there are number of ways which can help you in making money online. The following are few ideas which can help the teens to make handsome money online:
1. Try Amazon MTurk

Of late, you can see Amazon?s Mechanical Truck becoming a popular platform to make money online. These are generally known as MTurk, where you will find a number of tasks in a form of hits which you need to check and accomplish to make money. These include a couple of writing tasks, comments, reviews, surveys, feedback for a number of websites etc. You just have to select an appropriate task as per your qualification (awarded by the Mturk site) and keep on doing these simple and easy tasks which hardly take 5-10 minutes to finish.
You can find the task ranging from 0.10 dollars to 10 and 15 dollars for article writing to make good money.
2. Try blogging

If you have any hobby or interest, you can think of writing about it in a blog. For example if you have an interest in video games, try coming out with a blog and you can make huge money via Adsense. Initially, you will find few people visiting, but after sometime when you write good content, you can attract good number of readers at your blog.
With more number of people coming at your blog you can put those Google Adsense ads on your blog and every time any visitor clicks on these ads you get commission. There are many people who effectively manage blogs on various subjects of their interest and passion and make good money even up to 5000 dollars per month.
3. Try e-bay

You can make huge amounts of dollar through e-bay provided if you can spare some extra time and efforts. You need to have a couple of stuffs which can be sold over e-bay. For example if you have collected some old books or video games, a number of old jeans and T-shirts seen mere a waste thing in your room, you can certainly think of selling them on e-bay.
You just need an account on e-bay and must be willing to spare some time to respond your prospective buyers to sell things over e-bay. There are many tips and tricks which can help you in making money through this method, if you are interested you can further explore this issue and become an online seller over e-bay.
4. Try writing an e-book

If you are an expert of something, you can think of making money by writing an e-book and selling it over the internet. For instance, if you are interested in gaming world, you can write down something on tips and tricks of various games and then market it to make good money out of it.
You simply have to jot down a book and put on sale. You will be surprised to see how people are flocking over your ads and procuring your book for the set amount. Hence you don?t have to underestimate yourself for being a teen. Trust yourself and write down a book on any subject you love and put across for sale with some reasonable amount.
Trying these few simple and easy ideas of making money online as discussed above, teens can make good amount of money online. All you need to do is to spend some time on a daily basis as per your flexibility to make consistent money. You may not be able to yield much at the outset, but gradually, a time will come when you end up making good amount on a monthly basis.
About the author: Margaret is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on health and environment. Beside this she is fond of books. She recently bought ?leukemia. These days she is busy in writing an article on 3 wheel car.
by Nick Throlson | Mar 5, 2012 | Guest Post, SEO

Search Engine Optimization Pressor or SEOPressor is an automated plugin for blog sites. The developer of SEOPressor plugin is expert Daniel Tan. Various website and blog owners use SEO to increase the visibility of their sites on the internet. When searching for any information on any search engine, particular websites appear on the first page and so on. This takes place as per the ranking of a particular website made by the search engine. The process of SEO will increase the visibility and hence the ranking of a blog or website. Higher the ranking more will be the frequency of the blog appearing on search engines.
With the help of SEOPressor plugin, the blog gains substantial boost in their ranking on various search engines especially Google. It is an on SEO structure which eliminates manual SEO experts who charge in order to provide this boost. Thus, there is the added benefit of cost reduction. This is achieved automatically as the plugin manages various tasks including calculating keyword density, modifying them for SEO and so on. These tasks if done manually will require both man power and is time consuming. Hence with the help of SEOPressor the above tasks are done efficiently saving cost and time.
The SEOPressor plugin advantageously keeps on adding keywords to your blog?s content. This helps in improving the SEO quotient. An SEO score is updated for each and every blog entry on the site even before it is published. This allows the blog owner to make suitable changes in order to achieve better optimization.
Among various features of the SEOPressor is the ?Suggestions? feature which includes step by step instructions, thus guiding the blog owner to increase the overall SEO score of the blog. This is achieved by a base algorithm known to copy Google Analytics? performance.
Let us see the other features of the SEOPressor plugin
1. Automatic suggestions to improve the blogs SEO score
2. Forms a live SEO score and update the score as and when content of the page changes
3. Combines the SEO mechanism in the blog, thus allowing side-by-side view of SEO settings and page content
4. Verify internal links on SEO
5. Highlight the keywords in the post even in image tags apart from regular headings
There is no need for the creation of back links on posts. All this is taken care of by the plugin. In addition to the already mentioned characteristics it is highly user friendly as it provides an interactive interface.
The only drawback among the various positives of the plugin is its cost. This plugin is not free to use. The developer charges a one- time $47 fee for a single site license.
Thus the SEOPressor is a cool SEO plugin for blog users out there. It gives you access to several attractive features at a very competitive price. The setup is very easy and its simple interface has made it a blessing for those who do not have much programming knowledge. It effectively negates the need to recruit separate SEO programmers who charge a good amount. This saves the blog owner a good amount of cash in the deal.
About the author: Margaret is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on environment and technology. Beside this she is fond of books. She recently bought a ?Wireless Laser Printer. These days she is busy in writing an article on Emergency Shelter.
by Nick Throlson | Mar 1, 2012 | Guest Post
Among the strategies of online marketing, is the new age trend of publishing articles on the product. It strikes the major section of population that daily goes online either for work or enjoyment. When you submit the articles at correct places, people come across them and read about the product you wish to promote. Simply free approach to marketing. Continue to understand how it works.
1.?Using articles as the tool for establishing authority
An authoritarian position (in terms of knowledge about the product or service) among readers lets you take a big bite. Writing several articles on the same topic helps in building trust among the customers. With time people tend to realize your importance and then opt for reading your articles. It is this time when you can start the vigil of promotion.
The articles should always be centered about the product or the service being offered by you. This technique is referred as ?pre-sell?. You should only give a sneak-peak of your product or service, just enough to lure the customers to learn more. The information must be valuable and at the same time must keep the product in shade. Moreover, you may wish to write more articles other than just about your product or services. In that case, try writing articles on attributes related to your product. For example, if your product deals with tennis, then write articles about tennis balls or techniques of improving tennis skills. Do not write any abstract article unrelated to your product.
2. Writing articles as a tool for creating products or services
This one lets you develop a product or service facility online with the help of articles. In case you have no idea of the answer to the question? what to start online??, revert to where your knowledge is rooted, what are the things associated with your education or your previous job, what interests you, what was the last interesting event you attended, and so on. There is nothing better than creating a product or service centered about your hobby or interest. This renders your work a fun experience. Once you get all the answers, write articles about them and then choose the best out of them. Now, submit the selected articles to article directories and find the one which becomes most popular. Create your product or service based on that popular article.
3. Writing articles as the tool for driving traffic to your website
You should use articles as guide flags that divert traffic. For net traffic diversion you need to submit articles to what are called as ?article directories?. When you submit, add your brief details in the resource box and provide a link to your website. When the users read your article, they can directly click on the link provided by you and reach your website. This way they can explore your website, join the list or buy any product. As the article directories are mostly ranked high by the search engines, mentioning your link there, might be beneficial otherwise.
4. Using state-of-art technology for writing your articles
This is an optimized solution for cut-throat online marketing competition, for people promoting services like travel agencies and different cuisines. Make use of portability; grab a laptop or a net book. Capture your ideas on the go; write articles while travelling, update readers with the live knowledge and bag recommendation.
5. Getting a ghost writer to write articles for you
After great success of articles every promoter wanted to use them somehow. But probably everyone cannot write articles, but still want to make use of them as marketing tool. For you one of the options is hiring a ghost writer. These writers write article for you which you can use as marketing tools claiming them as your own. You can find such writers easily on web. Secondly, you can get private label right (PLR) articles. Written by ghost writers only, these articles are simultaneously distributed to a number of people via paid membership or given away for free by some websites for just joining them or buying a product. The quality of the article depends upon the amount you pay for it. As the PLR articles are not unique, you need to change them a bit before submission.
After above chapter a hence proved condition is, articles are great marketing tools. You can easily promote your product or service and earn by simply writing articles about your product or related attributes. With few tips in mind, articles are effective medium of online marketing.
About the author: Margaret is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on autos and technology. Beside this she is fond of books. She recently bought a ?sports car. These days she is busy in writing an article on world s most expensive.
by Nick Throlson | Feb 16, 2012 | Guest Post
No doubt, it is very essential for a businessman to search for a suitable option of business finance for the purpose of fulfilling financing needs. While options of business financing?are available at every corner, but, the essential thing is to choose the best type of funding for a specific business.
As an owner of a business, you have to find the best type of finance for your business as the wrong option may lead you to undesired and disastrous situation. Thus, as a businessman, the basic thing is to look for the most advantageous option of finance that best fits the business run by you. As an effective way to help you out in finding the best alternative, here are some of the options of financing that may suits best for your small business.
- Family and friends: In case your loan is not passed, you can go for the option of asking one of your rich relative for little help in the case. This will provide you fast, easy, no legal expenses, and hassle free funding. However, you must be professional, and you must keep in mind to repay the debt to maintain a good relationship with your friends and family.
- Debt financing: A majority of fresh small businesses choose the option of debt financing through a good finance company. For this, you must gather proper information of the firm. You must also know about the repayment schedule and interest rate of this loan. Moreover, they carefully examine the earnings of your company, liquidity, and collateral of your property. They also check your future business plan, and look at the outside and inside financial conditions of your business.
- Grants: A person who is staring a new business can get a grant through a small business administration. It is a point to remember that SBA doesn?t grant loans, they only guarantee them. It results in the decrease of lender?s risk making them eligible to give loan.
- Venture capital: It is an excellent way of funding to approach the venture capital. It is a very good option at the time of starting of a business, time of initial revenues to come in, position of quality team, and the clear path to sell the business finally. However, be are of the fact that VCs have high standards right now than the past.
- Equity financing: As we all know that debt financing is usually preferred by numerous business owners, but, there are still numerous companies that are funded by institutional or private investors in exchange of ownership stake of equity. It is a good option of significant funding for your business.
- Angel investors: They can be the wings to get funding for your business. Angel investors now engage in funding heavy projects. They made the name as friendly, warm, and patient of their investments, and provide their priceless relationship and business wisdom along with the money.
These are some of the small business finance that may be suitable for your business. You must select the best one for your business to make it a huge success.
Summary: You will find numerous options of business finance for your business. It depends on your business, which one you choose that fits best for your business.
Daniel K. Lebrun is from selftestengine, He?has been blogging for last 3 years, He is Professional Content Writer and also SEO guru, He is full with possessions?of experience, and even more degrees, these days he is busy in 642-272 Certifications.?He gets pleasure from Blogging.
by Nick Throlson | Nov 18, 2011 | Guest Post
As a blogger, you are always on the look-out for things to do in order to taste a rapid increase in growth. This is a very typical gesture of someone looking for success. ?But the fact remains that there are many things you are not doing to the fullest. However, let?s focus on what you are doing which you are not supposed to do.
Those are the things A-list bloggers and success-aspiring bloggers want to avoid doing. They are the things that may undermine your efforts in turning your small blog into a big blog that every new blogger wants his or her blog become.
If you are a blogger dreaming to become the next Problogger, let me share those things you should avoid like pest with you in this article.
Living off other bloggers? efforts
Relying on people?s efforts is one of the easiest ways to dwindle as a blogger. If you have other important works doing that require that others fill your position in your blog, you shouldn?t use guest bloggers or rely on another blogger for that. The best thing to do in that situation is hire writers for your blog. Presently, I hire some writers to keep my weight watchers discount and ediets coupons blog updated for me, but that doesn?t mean I do not put my efforts in it.
A lot of bloggers leave their blogs for guest writers and before a long period of time, their blog will lose its personality. Readers are reading your blog because they want to see things in your own light, if you can?t give this to them, they are off.
Being Discourteous to Guests
Honoring guest bloggers on your blog is one of the smartest ways to make your blog taste a rapid growth. There are many reasons for this: when a guest blogger contributes for your blog, you have an extra article on your blog without stress. The guest blogger will share his article on other sites ? which means he?s also sharing your blog. These and many more is the reason you should avoid making your guests uncomfortable on your blog.
While you have to limit the rate of guest posts you allow on your blog, you shouldn?t disrespect anybody that wants to contribute to your site if you are not going to accept his article ? many people do this (writing guest posts) out of good will and not only for the sake of backlinks.
Ignoring SEO
A lot of bloggers know the benefits of search engine optimization or SEO on their blogs. Getting your blog to rank in the top of search engines for competitive keywords can help you attract an eye-dropping amount of visitors to your blog.
But many bloggers have blatantly ignored SEO for their blogs and they fail to find out that their blog is suffering because of that. Imagine the amount of keywords your blog could rank for in search engines if you pay careful attention to SEO.
Avoid doing the things that are shared in this article and focus more on building a better blog by doing SEO and using Social Media to promote your blog and you?ll see your blog grow bigger.
John Edget is a blogger from coupon blog where he shares tips on getting latest discount coupons for weight watchers and ediets. He is giving away weight watchers online coupon code and ediet coupon on his blog.