by Nick Throlson | Sep 19, 2016 | Guest Post, SEO
SEO is Like Compound Interest
blue graph depicting a watch and arrows indicating compounding of interest over time
Let's say you've got a stock portfolio and can secure a 7% return every year. If you start out with $10,000, at the end of 10 years you'll have nearly $20,000 dollars in your portfolio. This illustrates the power of compound interest hard at work for you.
So it sort of begs the question, if compound interest is so powerful and so simple, why isn't everyone wealthy?
For those who can save, the biggest reason they don't benefit from compound interest is a lack of consistency in their investment. Investors routinely jump from investment to investment without regard for long-term
trends. A study at Fidelity demonstrated that the best investors were the ones that forgot they had an account at Fidelity! Twenty year annualized returns for the S&P 500 were about 9% but average investors only made about 3%. This is not good.
Consistency Wins
Seo is pretty much the same.
The ?investment? is hard work, and like compound interest, the long term results can be tremendous. When you are dominating your niche in the search engines, it's like a license to print money.
But just like with compound interest, increasing your search engine ranking takes consistency. People get discouraged after starting a blog because they aren't producing organic sales leads as quickly as they'd like. And sure enough, they jump all over the place with their seo activities without regard for what the search engines ultimately want to see (informative, relevant content).
But a lack of SEO focus is ultimately self-defeating.
Seo campaigns are like the proverbial snowball rolling down the hill, gaining momentum, size, and impact as they go. When you launch that first your blog, you'll be lucky to draw in more than a few hundred visitors per month, and many of those will be from sources other than organic traffic (ie social media). But over time, as your content volume expands and Google recognizes you for more and more keywords, your traffic will increase.
With persistence you will slowly gain more traction and draw in more views. Repeated effort, and a growing content base will move you up search engine rankings, even if the movement is slow. ?And as you move up rankings, you'll draw in more reads, and the cycle will repeat.
So just like with the Tortoise and the Hare, think slow and steady. Keep building strong content. Take the time to connect with new people and existing relationships. Share your knowledge and expertise and over time the search engines will begin to recognize you as an authority in your field.
by Nick Throlson | Sep 7, 2016 | Guest Post, Web Design
The website is one of the major tools of any kind of business. It really makes little difference what the nature of the business is. Regardless of that, the website is one of the main ways of gathering interest in whatever you are doing. As such, it is essential to ensure that you are making it a success. The difficulty here often lies in the fact that many people don?t really understand what a successful website looks like. Of course, without that knowledge, it can be hard to determine its level of success. In this post, we will take a look at some of the main measurements you can use to figure out if your website is doing well or not. Let?s see what those are now.
Number Of Visitors
This first measurement is probably the main one that people think of when it comes to determining a website?s success. And there is a very good reason for that. As a general rule, if your website is receiving a greater number of visitors, then you are obviously doing something right. To that end, you should be sure to always keep an eye on any sudden spikes in your visitor figures. When you do have a spike, try and figure out the reason why. Similarly, pay attention to the opposite happening, as this might teach you even more about what you need to know. To improve the number of visitors you are getting, consider using seo tactics. Take a look at this advice from an seo?team to get started.
Bounce Rate
Bounce is a little trickier to understand as a concept. However, it also happens to be considerably more useful. You can measure bounce rates in a number of ways. Some of the most important are the amount of people who leave your website via an external link, or press the back button. By that same token, you can look at those who do not interact with the web page for a long time, going into a timeout. The reason this data is so useful is that it gives you a more in-depth picture of what is going on. You can figure out if people are actually hanging around, or if they are just clicking onto your site and then leaving immediately.
Average Time
By that same token, it is helpful to know exactly how long people are hanging around on your pages. With this knowledge, you can then work towards developing content which is more likely to attract visitors – and keep them there. Which pages on your site keep people looking the longest? If you can work out what it is that people really enjoy, you can cater to them easier.
Finally, you really can?t underestimate the importance of the click-through ratio. Click-throughs are activated when someone performs an action you want them to perform. This is especially useful for things like directing people to their shopping cart, for example. Analyzing this data will tell you whether or not you are actually getting the results you want.
by Nick Throlson | Sep 5, 2016 | Guest Post
Are you relatively new to business? Have you got a client base, which could be bigger? Are you eager to sell more or generate greater profits? If so, you may be thinking about ramping up your marketing campaign. But when is the right time to do it, and which methods are best?
Choosing the right time to invest more in marketing
All businesses rely on marketing to some extent. Some will spend very little on campaigns. Others will plow millions of dollars into advertising. There?s often a fine line between spending too much, and missing out on the chance to get your business out there. You don?t want to bankrupt yourself paying for Tv adverts or a print campaign. But equally, you don?t want to have an amazing product that nobody is aware of. Keep a close eye on the figures. How much are you spending? How much are you turning over? What is your budget for marketing and how many leads are resulting in sales? If things are looking good, you can increase your budget. If things are slow, it may be worth changing tact, rather than increasing spending.
Which methods should I be using?
If you have a new business, it may be best to narrow down your options when it comes to marketing methods, and start with a modest budget. If you already have a client base, and you?ve identified that some strategies are proving effective, invest more in these areas. Have you attracted a lot of sales from an advert in the paper, or are hundreds of people liking your Facebook posts every day? If print has been an effective tool for you, you can maximize sales by investing in press release distribution. You can also expand the number of publications in which you advertise. If social media has worked, you may wish to pay for a more comprehensive advertising package. The higher the fee you pay, the more people you can reach.
Data analysis is a really useful tool, which will help you to identify successful platforms. If you?ve been using a number of sites, you may have mixed results. If you?re targeting clients between the ages of 25 and 50, for example, you may find that Snapchat and Periscope have had limited success. On the other hand, your campaigns on Facebook and YouTube may have generated impressive sales figures. If your research confirms a split, there?s no point in continuing to invest in channels that don?t work. Instead, you can spend more on those that do.
In business, you have to make tough calls on an ongoing basis. Sometimes, you may want to take risks and increase spending. In other cases, you may need to rethink your plans. Do some market research, and pay attention to what?s going on around you. Keep an eye on competitors, and use the findings of data analytics. Invest in areas that are working for you, and don?t be afraid to shut down roads that appear to be a dead end.
by Nick Throlson | Sep 4, 2016 | Guest Post
In the last few years, there has been a shift away from the traditional 9-5 working pattern, and more and more people are working from home. If you have an office or studio at home, you can enjoy greater flexibility and take more control of your diary. Jumping out of bed in the morning and walking downstairs to a study may seem like a dream commute. But there are downsides to working at home. It?s easy to get distracted, for example. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid pitfalls. These hacks will hopefully make you more productive on your own turf.
Establish a routine
This is perhaps the most important thing you can do when you start working from home. In an office, you have set hours,
and you know that you?re there to work. At home, it can be tempting to lie in and have a cup of tea in front of the TV before you start work. Try and get yourself into a regime, which ensures that you get everything done. Separate your work and home lives. Once you?ve finished work, then you can relax. Start every day by writing a to-do list, and work your way through it. Most people tend to work more efficiently in the mornings. If this is the case, begin your working day early, and tackle the toughest tasks on your list.
Make an effort with your workspace
At work, you want to feel motivated and inspired. It?s hard to muster up enthusiasm for a job if you?re staring at blank walls or shut away in a windowless basement. If you have dedicated office or studio space, make an effort with the design. De-clutter, and inject some color. If you?re looking for design ideas, search online. Sites like Pinterest and Instagram will provide you with inspiration.
Get organized
They say a tidy desk makes for a tidy mind. If your in-trays are hidden behind stacks of paper, every job will take longer than expected. Give the room a spring clean before you start decorating. Invest in storage, and have a system in place. Once you?ve read documents, file them away or put them in an out-tray. If you?re pushed for space, look into mailbox forwarding services. You can direct your mail to an address, and it will be forwarded to an online mailbox. You don?t have to give out your home address, and you?ll save room in your filing cabinets.
Before you start working at home, make sure you have everything you need. Have you got all the gadgets you need? Have you downloaded the relevant software? Is your Internet connection fast enough?
For many people, working from home helps them achieve a better work-life balance. At times, it can be hard to get motivated and stay focused. But if you have a routine in place, you?ll soon get used to your new workspace. Keep to a timetable, manage your schedule, and plan ahead. Keep your workspace tidy, and turn it into a place, which makes you feel energized.
by Nick Throlson | Aug 30, 2016 | Guest Post, WordPress
When starting your new online venture, getting your website perfected is one of the most crucial items on the agenda. It?s a marketing tool, a point of contact, and a point of sale. Quite frankly, mistakes here will cause huge problems for the entire business operation.
For inexperienced web designers (and even experienced ones) WordPress is a very popular choice. There is a lot of room for flexibility, but the fact that all themes follow certain guidelines ensures that navigation is easy for customers. And that familiarity can work wonders for your chances of prolonged visits and additional sales.
Nevertheless, you still need to work for success on WordPress. Here?s how your site can succeed.
Produce Content
First and foremost, your WordPress site needs to look and feel great. As far as the design aspects are concerned, choosing the right theme is one of the most important decisions you?ll make. Using WordPress means that you can change at a later date without losing everything. Nonetheless, this is the foundation of everything you?ll do.
Of course, it helps if your logos and other branding elements are looking great. However, those first impressions aren?t the only crucial factor. Visitors need a reason to keep visiting, and blogs are the perfect outlet. With a regular stream of articles that interest and excite your audience, you should see greater loyalty.
Besides, you can use those posts to promote products too.
Gain Traffic
ing loyalty from your visitors is one thing. Then again, you also need to concentrate on increasing the audience reach too. After all, there are millions of websites that the users could visit. It?s imperative that you give them the nudge needed to ensure they find yours.
Your blog posts can be a great tool, especially if they go viral. However, advertising through social media and other websites can be crucial too. With PPC management, you can ensure that adverts reach the intended audience. In turn, this can make your marketing budget work far harder. This can only be good news for your profits.
WordPress is already optimized for mobile, so you can target both audiences effectively too.
Encourage Interaction
Acquiring visitors is only the start, though. The real challenge is converting them to customers. To do this, it?s imperative that you gain their trust. Encouraging greater interaction is a great way to do it.
Social media is a great platform for interacting with customers. You can even conduct polls to gain their opinions on products or other important issues. Meanwhile, installing a contact form on your WordPress site can have a huge impact too. Let?s face it; nobody is going to buy from someone that they won?t be able to get hold of should a problem surface.
Lastly, the e-commerce elements need to be perfect. Using a system that accepts multiple payments and will keep data safe is essential. After all, online attacks are a more common fear than ever. As long as you focus on these factors, though, your WordPress site will give your business the perfect platform for success. What more could you ask for?
by Nick Throlson | Aug 27, 2016 | Guest Post, Website Security
To make it in business, you have to look for little things that give you an advantage over your competitors. Most of the time, it?s the simplest of things that have the biggest effect. Sometimes, it?s something that you never even realized would make such a difference.
As you can tell from the title, I?m talking about network security. Yes, I believe your business can see some amazing benefits with this simple thing. If you don?t believe me, then that?s fine. But, I?m ready to convince you that I?m right!
Read through this post and you?ll find some of the unbelievable ways your business benefits from network security. However, there are a couple of things to get out of the way first.
To begin, I?ll tell you what a business network is.
A Business Network
First things first, let?s make one thing crystal clear. I?m not talking about a business network where you build up a set of contacts. That?s a different type of business network and is used for marketing purposes to grow your brand.
What I?m talking about is an IT network, setup for your business. It?s something that connects all the devices in your business to the same network. These devices will also gain access to the internet via this network. Most companies will have one set up, as it can be very valuable for them. Of course, as already stated, I?ll tell you some of the big ways your business benefits later on.
For now, think of your network as a spider's web. At the center, you have your network router, and all the other webs leading off it are your devices. You computers, servers, everything, connects to the router.You can set a network up on your own, or get a company to do it for you.
Now you know what a business network is, what about network security? Before we run through all of the benefits, you need to understand what it is. So, I?ve written a very short guide to understanding network security. You can find it down below:
Understanding Network Security
Network security may sound like a scary concept, but it?s very easy to follow. It refers to anything that?s done to protect your business network and keep your data secure. Typically, network security uses a variety of software and hardware. Some of which you can buy from any store online. You?ve probably seen antivirus and firewall software out there, right? Well, this is a type of IT cyber security. Firewall software prevents your network from being breached by unknown sources. Only those with access can get through the firewall and connect. Antivirus software is fairly self-explanatory. It prevents your network from getting any harmful viruses that can cause it to go down and lose data. You can also get firewall hardware that you can connect your network too, and it does the same job. The benefit of hardware is that your business doesn?t have to fill up storage space by downloading software on every computer.
To get network security for your business, you have a couple of options. Firstly, you can buy any of the standard software/hardware that?s available. This is probably the cheapest way to go about it if money is an issue for you. If you?re willing to spend more, then you can get a tailored network security service from various companies. They have specific software for businesses, and will monitor your network at all times. It?s a complete security method, but some prefer the cheaper option.
So, now you know what a business network is, and what network security is too. Now, we can move on to the bit you?ve all been waiting for! Listed below are some of the incredible benefits of network security for your business:
Keeps Your Network Up And Running & Improves
The obvious benefit of network security is that it keeps your business network up and running. I know this may not sound like an amazing thing, but it is! If your network is always up, then it means your employees can be far more productive. They won?t spend their days doing nothing as their computers struggle to connect to the internet. Without network security, you run the risk of frequent outages. This is normal because too many people are connecting to your network as you don?t have firewall protection. The office above you is connected and using your network as their own. Everyone?s joining in and having a blast! As a result, it becomes overloaded and drops. So, you end up in that situation where your employees can?t do any work, and the office is unproductive.

Increases Employee Collaboration
Another great benefit is that network security encourages your employees to collaborate. Their devices can communicate with one another thanks to your business network. And, when your network is secure, it means they can collab on projects. Employee collaboration is always a good thing, and let me tell you why. When people work together, they start to form friendships. If your staff are friendly with each other, then it?s good new for your business. It leads to increased levels of employee retention. No one will look to leave a job when they like everyone there and are happy to work. All of this comes from you having a secure network for them to collaborate on. If you didn?t have network security, they wouldn?t be able to do this, and you?d be missing out.
Boosts Customer Confidence
Your customer can also benefit from network security. They gain confidence in knowing that you have a secure computer network. If you were running everything through a standard router that you have at home, they wouldn?t be so confident. There?s very little security with that method; they?ll feel like their data is at risk. But, with network security, you ensure that all their private information is locked away safely. No one accesses it unless you allow them too. This builds customer trust, which is essential if you want to do well.
If you didn?t believe me at the start of the piece, I bet you do now! Network security brings some amazing benefits to every business.