Passive income is being preferred over active by people. Google Adsense is used for a stable and long-term passive income. This is an advertising program which is being charged for clicking on it and is used by publishers to display ads according to the content of their websites. It can easily be integrated with Joomla. The process is very simple for who best in custom joomla development but the code needs to be changed every time the appearance of the ads is changed. It can be done simply by copying the javascript or HTML code in the custom HTML module.

  1. Download And Setup Google Adsense

Google Adsense can be easily downloaded and setup from its website. In the Joomla settings, select the Joomla module in the administrator panel. Choose the “Sponsored Links” in the “New” button. Enter a name for the module and choose the option “don't show the title”. Assign a position for the module, if a size of the ad hasn't been decided and publish the module.

  1. Change Module Parameters For Better Results

Module parameters can be used to blend ads seamlessly. It can be done in the parameters section of module parameters option. It has options and features for blocking specific IPs and optimizing the website. For better customization, use Joomla template suffix for module class suffix. Enter the information in the div CSS instead of CSS template. Choose the ad type as per the advertisement to be displayed. Corner styles are always good to watch. Browse through different sizes of the ad by Adsense for better positioning of the module.

  1. Use Colors For Attraction

Choose the colors of the website as per the ads to be displayed. It can make it more attractive and will gain the visitor's attention. Colors should be well matched and proportionate so that website maintains its integrity. Ad borders should be avoided. Color combinations should be tried before applying.

  1. Track Ads' Performance For Its Efficiency

Ads' performance can be increased by setting up channels for each by Google Adsense Channels. In the Adsense setup tab, add new custom channels in the channels option, give a name to it and add the channel. It is useful in deciding whether an ad should be removed or kept on the website.

  1. Ad's Position Decides It's Worth

The placement of ads on the website plays a vital role in attracting many visitors and advertisers. This will improve the value of the website and is done by ad placement option of Google Adsense. Click on channels in the Google Adsense setup. Select a channel for ad placement and click on “edit settings”. Activate the checkbox showing “show this channel to advertisers as an ad placement” and save the settings.

  1. Right Position Gives The Right Price

Displaying ads within the content gradually increases the CTR rate. Advertisers are most likely to opt for well-established websites. New and fresh websites must give desired and prominent position to attract the advertisers. Optimized websites have options for any ad placement position because they have established enough to survive.

  1. Regular Checkups For Better Understanding

The websites should be checked regularly whenever settings of the existing ads are changed or a new ad is placed. Check the website as a visitor and on different devices like mobile, tabs, laptops, desktops, if the website is responsive.

Selling ad space directly on the site can have better negotiation options and a profitable relationship with the advertisers. This is a simple and fantastic way to make money and it doesn't have any investment issues. Go for it and explore its features as its going to be updated by Google for a long-term support. Maybe something more can be extracted from it for rewarding benefits.