E-Commerce accounts for about 11.9% of all the retail sales worldwide of which fashion e-commerce is valued at a cap of $481.2 billion in 2018 which is expected to skyrocket to $712.9 billion in 2022, but businesses involved in e-commerce still require a platform to showcase their products to sellers.

Unavailability of such platforms has made it difficult for sellers to reach out to their customers due to the operating cost, generation of targeted traffic, retaining customers, customer satisfaction & feedback. Attracting customers to the website and ensuring customers return to use the services again as well as charging of extra cost by websites to the seller in the event of increased traffic which cuts into their profits.

There will be a requirement in terms of functionalities & rendering of a virtual store. Following are the criteria while choosing a platform for fashion e-commerce site: –

  • Use of High-Quality images with the ability to zoom in & out, search algorithms, filter criteria is a part of visual merchandising which cannot be compromised.
  • Social Integration is a must for a fashion shopper to flaunt their fashion sense on social channels like Facebook, Twitter &, etc.
  • An appropriate theme will be required to make it appealing to the customers.
  • The Platform should be SEO Friendly for online visibility placing the website on the top of search ranking.
  • A store catalog would be required to showcase a large number of products to the customers.
  • Inventory management would be required to take account of all the items sold, items at hand or the items that need to be ordered & stocked at the e-commerce platform.
  • Customization is important to establish a fashion e-commerce site as brand-centric & the ability to access these sites using tablets, mobile phone &, etc.
  • A novice accessing the platform should be provided with graphical illustration to operate the store’s functionalities.
  • The Platform should provide security to the customer's sensitive data such as Credit & debit card number, address, pin &, etc. to avoid any theft by hackers

What better platform than WordPress, also known for its blogging platform that can bridge that gap between the fashion e-commerce website & a seller due to the following features that WordPress offers: –

  • It does not cost a penny while operating WordPress as an e-commerce platform regardless of the traffic that is anticipated nor does it charge any extra cost even when the traffic increases.
  • A Search engine like Google is known to rank websites lower on the search results if these websites cannot be accessed using mobiles that’s where WordPress provides access on tablets & smartphones to these sites.
  • WordPress is SEO friendly making popular search engines like google, bing &, etc. to rank these websites higher than those who don't use WordPress due to the CMS framework
  • Customized themes for websites are provided by WordPress themes that are obtained from third parties in which the addition & extension of certain features make the website function.
  • WordPress is adaptable to the ever-changing cyberspace work area due to its flexibility to accommodate various extensions & plugins making it preferable for businesses.
  • Use of WordPress by Big-Brand companies like Nasa, Mashable, Mozilla, Wall Street Journal &, etc. makes it famous for business website solution.



WordPress is a powerful content management system used by industry leaders like Vogue, Bata, In-style news adding to its reputation in the global cyberspace market. If you aren't using WordPress already, these reasons should be more than enough to make you switch to WordPress should you decide to run a fashion E-commerce business in the coming future.

About The Author

Merry waran is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Custom WordPress Development Services. I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.

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