Increase Traffic & ConversionsThe growth of the Internet has been staggering, and many companies are able to survive solely off of traffic and conversions generated online. Achieving a sustainable stream of revenue, however, requires work and dedication. The best way to achieve result, however, is to hone a website for attracting eyeballs and converting visitors as effectively as possible. Here are five tips for achieving this goal.

1. Run a blog

A website must be the central location of an online campaign, but it needs other properties to support it. One of the best properties is a blog. While website content must be carefully crafted, blogs allow website developers more freedom. By encouraging those who visit the blog to visit the main website consistently but not incessantly, blogs can be a great way to generate the traffic necessary to succeed.

2. Launch a forum

One of the best ways to attract attention is to foster an online community. While forums are widely considered to be old web technology, they are still incredibly popular, those who can create a top forum in particular field will generate significant traffic. Forums are also self-sustaining, and they will continue generating more traffic once they reach a critical mass.

3. Integrate social media

In the past, most Internet users would first load a major search engine when getting online. Today, however, many start with social media. Because of this, those who want to attract attention must have a social media presence. By creating informative, interesting posts, website operators can leverage the power of social media to fuel a website's popularity. Further, good post will likely be shared by followers, which can spread a company or brand name across social media ecosystem.

4. Each page should encourage a sale

Websites must be informative, but the purpose of most websites is to generate revenue. When crafting each page, special attention should be paid to ensuring that it encourages visitors to purchase a product or service. It is important to be subtle, however, as being too pushy can cause visitors to look elsewhere. It is also important to remember that sales do not have to occur instantly, and an effective website will encourage those who did not buy a product or service today to come back and reconsider making a purchase tomorrow.

5. SEO from day one

Many website operators create a website and then worry about SEO. While SEO can be successfully added to website, and as far more effective to consider SEO from the beginning. By finding target keyboards before creating any content, those who run websites can prepare themselves to skyrocket up the search engines. Today, search engine algorithms place an emphasis on good content over the sheer number of links a website has, so creating top-notch content and honing it for SEO is becoming increasingly important.

The web is highly competitive, but the rewards for those who succeed can be high. By taking time to create the best website possible and giving it useful, supportive Internet properties, website operators can increase their odds of succeeding.

Written by Monica Chamber

Monica is an online marketing
specialist and also teaches part-time in Google?Adwords course??in Sydney. Monica has worked in New York for five years in a national search marketing agency prior to relocation to Australia.