Launched in 2010 and largely maintained by Google, AngularJS is a front-end web application framework that uses JavaScript to create stunningly beautiful and responsive web application interface. The frame is simple-to-use, efficient, fast and has virtually everything packed inside that a web developer would ever want. Here are some of the advantages that you can readily have if you deploy AngularJS for your next web app:


Since mobile users today vastly outnumber desktop users, it becomes essential for the web development procedure to take this fact into consideration and shape the applications such that they are equally, if not more, appealing on small devices. AngularJS offers ample features like memory management, touch support, among others that ensure your web app looks and perform as good as it does on desktops.


If your web application lacks in performance, no matter how many features you embed, users will find it frustrating to use. Keeping that in mind, AngularJS puts forward some very innovative techniques that make applications built on it exponentially faster than others. For instance, it offers server-side rendering to take the load off the browsers, thereby loading the application faster. It also allows the web pages to partially refresh the data to eliminate the need of refreshing the entire page even for small changes. Additionally, you can also implement other web standards that exclusively suit your application and in return, boost your performance.


The component-based architecture of AngularJS enables developers to create highly modular web applications that?ll help them streamline the process and eliminate effort redundancy. Using such modules, any application can be rapidly developed with a wide set of features without even putting in major efforts. It also offers templates and metadata, through which each of those modules can be easily configured to tweak their functionality.


While performance satisfies users, it is the expressive interface that delights them. So, if you want your web application to be engaging, AngularJS offers ample animation options to portray different events through interface changes. While these subtle animations can be easily integrated through the framework itself, it also supports detailed and graphic-rich animations that you can create through CSS and JavaScript.

Mobile Apps

Though mobile apps and web applications traditionally use two entirely different set of technologies, AngularJS tries to bridge them as well. And the benefits you can have by employing the same platform for both web and mobile apps are manifold. But since it is a front-end development framework, it needs to integrate with other tools like NativeScript for back-end binding to create a full-scale and feature-rich mobile application.


As there is no one-size-fits-all, AngularJS development environment can be highly customized due to its compatibility with a wide array of tools and technologies. From browser extensions to IDE?s to testing and optimization tools, it is flexible enough to accommodate them all and offer you a one-stop-solution for all your web development needs.

Backward Compatibility

While new technologies do offer better features and performance, old ones can?t readily be abandoned. Especially when they are employed in some crucial system applications. With that consideration, AngularJS is built with extensive support for legacy tools and technologies and every new version that comes in is perfectly compatible with the old ones. That is one of the reasons why top web application development companies choose AngularJS for their web development projects because it not only is reliable and stable but also comes with a promise of long-term support.