Social media is one of, if not the most important aspects of marketing in today?s world. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other platforms can make-or-break a company, determining their ability to thrive on the world wide web.
On the surface, Twitter seems like the simplest social media platform of all. Its condensed messages don?t tell the whole tale, however. The entire business world is competing for followers, likes and retweets, and if you don?t know what you?re doing, you?re practically guaranteed to fail.
Don?t fear! There are some simple and easy ways to boost any business?s reach via Twitter, as we?re documenting today. Let?s take a look!
Media Is King
Incorporating some form of media into your tweets is almost always preferable. Social media users are more likely to engage with a picture, GIF or video than a wall of text, and media?s potential to go viral is much more substantial too. It?s up to you how you do this – factual infographics, how-to videos and even your latest iPhone snap can result in fantastic levels of engagement. Just make sure it?s relevant.
Start Using Hashtags
Twitter?s hashtags are used to categorize tweets by a specific keyword. This helps businesses to extend their reach to those who are either tweeting or searching based around that keyword. You don?t have to use an existing hashtag either. By developing your own tag, you can encourage existing clients to spread the message in a unique and interesting way.
Paid Promotion
Just like Facebook, Twitter offers the ability to promote tweets to a wider range of users with the aid of payment. Tweets are configured to display to users whose interests are relevant to the topic and business, eliminating wastefulness in the process. You?ll want to pick a suitable tweet to promote though, so something advertising a competition, website or brand-new product are just a few advisable ideas.
Share Content, Build Relationships
It?s a common mistake for business owners to treat social media as a promotional tool and nothing else. The social aspect often gets lost, but in Twitter?s case, it?s more important than ever. Don?t be afraid to share interesting content and comment on other company?s posts. By doing so, you?ll start to build relationships, and before long, they?ll start sharing your content as well.
Tell People About It!
Expanding our Twitter reach isn?t just about the actions we take on the platform itself. We need others to know of its existence, and particularly those aren?t such regular users on the social media front. It?s easy to add social media buttons to our websites these days, while incorporating our Twitter handle on a range of physical marketing material is a two-second job.
Engage With Analytics
We all know the importance of analytics, and Twitter?s no different. The company?s own analytical tools can provide excellent insights as to how certain tweets are performing compared to others. Additionally, there are a host of free and paid analytics services for Twitter across the web, including Sprout Social and Hootsuite. Take the time to find what works for you.
Time Your Tweets
Another feature of these analytical suites is the ability to optimize your tweets? timings. This is very much a time-sensitive platform, to the extent that the same tweet could generate hundreds of additional shares if posted at the optimal time of day. If you don?t want to be huddled around your tablet or smartphone 24/7, many of these services can automatically schedule your tweets for a certain time.
Competitions & Giveaways
Everyone wants something for nothing! If you?re going to run a competition, you need to make sure both Facebook and Twitter are involved. By incorporating requirements that entries must include follows, likes and retweets, you?ll begin to increase your reach far beyond its current limitations. And while the costs involved might prove extensive, it?ll hopefully lead to further profits down the line.