
Are you currently in the market for car insurance or a mortgage? Are you frustrated by all the other rate

comparison websites out there? Are you thinking there has to be a better way? Now there is. is
your premier destination for the best rates online. Whether you?re looking for car insurance or
mortgages, makes the process fast and easy. Choose from nearly 100 mortgages rates with
major brokers and lenders and almost up to 25 car insurance quotes with Canada?s biggest insurers.

Car Insurance

Shopping for car insurance is easy. Start by entering your postal code. After entering your gender, date
of birth and vehicle make and model, you?re provided with a ballpark estimate of your monthly car
insurance premiums. Answer a few more simple questions (i.e. your license type and if you?ve
been involved in any at fault accidents in the last 6 years), to get a more accurate car insurance quote.
Getting a quote on car insurance is quick and easy. My only suggestion would be to consider making
some of the questions optional. Some people may not feel comfortable entering personal information
like their marital status.


If you?ve recently purchased a home or you?re looking to renew your mortgage, shopping for a mortgage
is easy. Click on the mortgage link at the top of the website to see mortgage rates based on your area.
The three most popular mortgage rates are displayed up top for your convenience.
Mortgage rates are displayed based on the type of mortgage ? fixed closed, variable closed, fixed open,
variable open ? and the mortgage term. Choose from mortgage terms as short as 6 months to as long as
25 10 years. For homeowners looking to tap into the equity built in their home, choose from Home
Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) at low rates.

I found shopping for a mortgage easy. I was able to find a lower mortgage rate than my bank offered me
with more generous pre-payment privileges. This will help shave years off my mortgage and save me
thousands in interest.

My only suggestions would be if the website could detect your location and display mortgage rates
based on your city or town. Mortgage rates often vary between big cities like Toronto and small towns
like North Bay, as there?s less competition between mortgage lenders brokers.