The average person receives such a multitude of marketing?messages every day that your message has to stand out from the crowd if it is
to have even the slightest chance of being read. ?Personalization is a great way to achieve?this.
A good Email Marketing platform will make this easy for?you.? You should be able to address the?email to each recipient in just a couple of click of the mouse.? A ?Dear Peter? email is bound to be better?received than an impersonal ?Dear Sir?.? Perhaps?including more personal data, like their location etc., could also serve to?boost their confidence in your brand.? As?time passes and you build your database you can incorporate clients? lifestyle,?professional and perhaps even personal history into your messages.? At which point the reader will not even?notice to start with that they are reading a bulk email, and if the content is?of interest to them, by the time they do?realize, they will continue reading?anyway.
Data segmentation
The best email marketing services will allow you to easily?create dynamic content in just a few simple steps.? Imagine you have a clothes store and wish to?send out a campaign with your newest lines.?Data segmentation will allow different readers to receive different?content.? Perhaps the younger ladies?would be interested in the new party dresses while the more mature man would?certainly not be.? Instead of sending the?entire line to every one of your subscribers, each person can receive content?that they may be interested in, based on their age, location, past purchases?and any other data that you have gained from them as subscribers.
Personal email = Sales
By sending this more personalized information out to your?clients, it is if you are showing an interest in them personally.? They will receive an email which includes?their name and products they are genuinely interested in, rather than generic?copy.? This kind of service can only help?to improve their loyalty to your brand and so ensure future sales and possibly?up sells?and cross sells as well.
Personalized email marketing is basically the opposite of?spam, rather than unsolicited messages which the consumer never requested.? They receive genuine content, which they have?asked to receive which is tailored to them.?As well as being less likely to end up in the spam folder, these?messages are also three times more likely to be opened than a generic marketing?message.
Author bio: Stuart Wooster writes on behalf of email marketing company Brother?Mailer, and enjoys writing about digital marketing topics.